The Socialist Correspondent exposes capitalism and promotes socialism. Supporters of capitalism said that the end of the Cold War would mean peace and growing prosperity but the opposite has happened. The world is now a much more dangerous place since the defeat of the Soviet Union, leaving the US and other capitalist countries relatively free to exert their power. Following western wars of aggression, regime change and the so-called ‘War on Terror’ there has been an increase in instability, terrorism, human migration, hunger and poverty. The economic crash was a result of Bankers' greed and now a decade later nothing has changed. Working people were made to pay for the crash and are now worse off - capitalism intends to keep making them pay.

The mainstream capitalist media do everything to hide the truth about history and current events. They claim to be impartial reporters but the view of the world they present is always in the interests of their paymasters. The Socialist Correspondent attempts to get to the truth behind events. Using Marxist principles, it shines a light on those responsible for war, terrorism and exploitation and reports and analyses the struggles of working people across the globe. The Socialist Correspondent is partisan. It unashamedly supports those fighting for peace, justice and socialism.    

Latest Articles

A Labour government - what next?
At last the Conservatives have gone and Britain has a Labour government with a massive majority in terms of seats. Yet that huge majority masks an underlying fragility in the Labour vote. Its victory was achieved through the collapse of the Tories and of the SNP in Scotland and the rise of Reform UK. Labour only slightly increased its vote share and indeed more people voted Labour in the two general elections when Jeremy Corbyn was leader. Voter turnout was down. This demonstrates that the electorate was not really convinced by Starmer’s offering despite Labour’s shift to the right gaining the support of the establishment. If people don’t see tangible change, they will have no reason to vote Labour in the future, and promising that things will get worse - cutting winter fuel payments and cuts to services - is not the way to achieve this. Worst of all the government is committed to pursuing the war agenda of NATO. A vital role will be played by the trade unions, community campaigners and the peace movement to pressure Labour to adopt better policies. We can already see this happening. That is the difference between having a Labour and a Tory government. People have expectations of a Labour government. The task is making the government listen to its voters.
Ukraine - West continues to escalate war
Despite the dangers to Europe and the world, the West continues to press on with its disastrous war in Ukraine. Even with the evident failures on Ukraine’s part to make progress in the war, including its incursion into Kursk and despite the suffering on all sides, the West is determined to double down on war. It has peremptorily dismissed peace plans and calls for negotiations. On the contrary, there are increasing moves to allow Ukraine to use weapons supplied by the West to hit targets within Russia. This has the potential to widen the war, making the countries who supply these weapons increasingly party to the conflict. There is also worrying build-up of NATO bases in Europe as the United States tries to move the responsibility for the war to European countries.
Israeli aggression increases
Israel is continuously escalating its genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza and increasingly in the West Bank too. It has no interest in ceasefires or negotiations as it seeks to turn Palestine into an uninhabitable wasteland which it can permanently occupy. On the contrary it is now seeking to expand its aggression to Lebanon and Iran and to provoke a regional war.

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Issue 52

Autumn 2024
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Issue 51

Summer 2024
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Issue 50

Spring 2024
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Issue 49

Autumn 2023
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